We will be accepting applications March 1st. Grandchildren, children, or dependents of members of the Retired Association are all welcome to apply. There will be five scholarships offered at $3000 each with at least one being offered to trade school applicants. Applicants should click on this link to apply. They will then need to log in to a Gmail account to begin the application process. Once there, don't overlook the link for the application process at the top of the form. It is required.The form will be submitted electronically, and the applicant will receive a copy of their responses as proof of their submission. We wish all the applicants best of luck, and we look forward to another year of outstanding applicants.
PausedMembership Application If you are a retired Denver firefighter you can join our association by downloading this application form and sending it to the Association secretary. If you are a DROP member you can now join as well by using this application and mailing it to the address on the form.
SOCIAL SECURITY FAIRNESS ACT As many of you may be aware, Congress passed the Fairness Act which will remove both the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision. These are huge benefits which the IAFF was instrumental in getting through both Houses of Congress. As of now, the President is expected to sign the bill on January 6th. We will keep you posted.